Posts Tagged With: jobs with exposure

How Many Languages Does Your Resume Come In?

We were recently asked to answer this question by a follower of our blog; “What are some fields of work (jobs) that allow you lots of international travel and exposure?”

I don’t give career advice unless I’ve had a conversation with a person but just off the top of my head I came up with these lines of work for someone who desperately wants to travel but needs to make a living doing so.

News reporter is one such job; be it for news print newspapers or magazines and of course broadcast newscaster for any size TV or podcast channel. Podcasts are actually one of the fastest growing news media channels and anyone can set up their own podcasts.  Making money from this endeavor however might be a different story but I hear it can be done.  Of course I was told that about being a blogger!

There are Tour Guide and Tour Manager jobs where exposure comes on the videos that travelers take. One should take the appropriate training to be a Tour Guide or a Tour Manager however just in case one of these videos goes viral and Hollywood comes a calling.

Professional photographers gain from international travel and intense exposure.  There are also many photography contests that can be entered which gain you more exposure.

Lawyers who specialize in International law can also be considered for this answer since depending on the area of expertise they might end up representing a very high-profile client and therefore have camera and airtime exposure.

Runway models, winning horse jockeys, famous painters and artists, even being a politician sprang to mind all as jobs where someone could flourish and gain international exposure.

And lastly of course there is the movie star job which comes with some interesting perks from what I can see.

I haven’t looked for work in over 3 years but I know that today they call your resume a CV (curriculum vitae) in many countries and depending on what country you are planning to work in you might need to have your resume translated into that language as well as English.

The same rules apply however; don’t embellish yourself to a status you cannot live up too, but do strut your stuff and be prepared to ‘sell yourself’ because ultimately no one is going to be better able to sell your skill set then you.  Good luck.

Florence Lince

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